
Development and Alumni Relations overview

The mission of VCU’s Office of Development and Alumni Relations is to maximize philanthropic support by engaging stakeholders with our institution, working in partnership with all VCU schools, programs and campuses as one development and alumni relations community and implementing the best practices and efficient strategies to achieve a comprehensive development program. 

DAR senior leadership team

  • Jay E. Davenport, CFRE, vice president, Development and Alumni Relations
  • Lori Cwalina, senior associate vice president, development, Colleges, Schools and Units
  • Magnus Johnsson, CFRE (M.P.A.’10; Cert.’10), senior associate vice president, Presidential and University Philanthropy
  • Samantha Wheeler Marrs, senior associate vice president, campaign administration, Development Operations and Campaign Administration
  • Elizabeth Bass (M.S.W.’03), associate vice president, Alumni Relations
  • Thomas Maness, associate vice president, Transformational Philanthropy 
  • Niles Eggleston, senior associate vice president, Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations
  • Julia Ayscue, executive director, Talent Management
  • Henry Davis, executive director, Finance and Budget
  • Margaret Ann Bollmeier, president, MCV Foundation
  • Laura Kottkamp, executive director, College of Engineering Foundation, School of Business Foundation and VCU Foundation