DAR Directory

Michelle Adcock

Executive director, Strategic Engagement

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Michelle Adcock

Jordan Albright (B.S.’19)

Development coordinator, School of Nursing and School of Pharmacy

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Jordan Albright (B.S.’19)

Brandon Alliet

Transaction analyst, Philanthropic Services

Department: Advancement Solutions

Brandon Alliet

Leslie Altaffer

Director, stewardship, Strategic Engagement

(804) 628-9100

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Leslie Altaffer

Judy Arginteanu

Copy editor, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Judy Arginteanu

Vic Armstrong

Donor services specialist, Philanthropic Services

(804) 828-0632

Department: Advancement Solutions

Vic Armstrong

Joseph Arton

Senior director, Center for Corporate Education

Department: Monroe Park Campus foundations

Joseph Arton

Chris Ayers

Associate director, financial systems and reporting, Finance

(804) 628-8494

Department: MCV Foundation

Chris  Ayers

Julia Ayscue

Executive director

(804) 828-3196

Department: Talent Management

Julia Ayscue

Elizabeth Bass (M.S.W.’03)

Associate vice president

(804) 828-8192

Department: Alumni Relations

Elizabeth Bass (M.S.W.’03)

Lendi Bass

Executive assistant to the vice president

(804) 827-0536

Department: Office of the Vice President

Lendi Bass

Amy Beck, Ph.D. (Ph.D.’19)

Executive director, Inclusive Engagement and Philanthropy

(804) 828-8191

Department: Primary Giving

Amy Beck, Ph.D. (Ph.D.’19)

Sarah Beasley (B.F.A.’16)

Constituent engagement manager, Institute for Contemporary Art

(804) 828-2815

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Sarah Beasley (B.F.A.’16)

Katy Beisheim

Senior gift analyst, Philanthropic Services

(804) 828-9804

Department: Advancement Solutions


Veda Bellamy

Program associate

(804) 828-7023

Department: Alumni Relations

Veda Bellamy

April Bennett-Mitchell

Senior financial technician, Philanthropic Services

(804) 828-5993

Department: Advancement Solutions

April Bennett-Mitchell

Nathan Bick

Executive director, development, internal medicine, School of Medicine

(804) 827-0387

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Nathan Bick

Tracey Bigelow

Office manager, Development

(804) 828-9734

Department: MCV Foundation

Tracey Bigelow

Gordon Blum

Solution architect, Business Intelligence

Department: Advancement Solutions

Gordon Blum

Erick Bolanos (B.S.’15)

Marketing technology specialist, DAR Information Systems

Department: Advancement Solutions

Erick Bolanos (B.S.’15)

Margaret Ann Bollmeier

President and Chief Executive Officer

(804) 828-2392

Department: MCV Foundation

Margaret Ann Bollmeier

Stefani Bonner (B.S.’15)

Director, alumni affinity programs, Inclusive Engagement and Philanthropy

(804) 828-7017

Department: Primary Giving

Stefani Bonner (B.S.’15)

Briana Bouldin (M.S.’20, Cert.’22)

Program specialist, Inclusive Engagement and Philanthropy

(804) 828-8191

Department: Primary Giving

Briana Bouldin (M.S.’20, Cert.’22)

Chrissy Bowdren

Alumni engagement officer, School of Nursing and School of Pharmacy

Department: Alumni Relations

Chrissy Bowdren

George Bowles

Gift analyst, Philanthropic Services

Department: Advancement Solutions

George Bowles

Ariana Bracalente

Director, philanthropic grants

(804) 828-1230

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy


Amy Brackett

Director, development, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Amy Brackett

Rachel Brandell Mayers

Executive director, Prospect Development

(734) 358-6749

Department: Advancement Solutions


 Brandell Mayers

Paul Brockwell

Senior associate director, Communications

(804) 828-1232

Department: MCV Foundation

Paul Brockwell

Ben Bromley

Associate director, prospect research, Prospect Development

(804) 828-4546

Department: Advancement Solutions

Ben Bromley

Joey Broussard

Senior director, development, School of Business

(804) 827-7408

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Joey Broussard

Catherine Brown

Assistant director, communications, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement



Michael Brown

Associate athletic director, development

Department: Athletics

Michael Brown

Jada Bryan

Finance IT support analyst, Finance

(804) 439-9616

Department: MCV Foundation

Ashley Burton (M.S.’23)

Executive director, DAR Signature Events

(804) 828-7162

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Ashley Burton (M.S.’23)

Katie Buzby (B.S.’10)

Senior director, DAR Marketing

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Katie Buzby (B.S.’10)

Tiera Byrd (B.S.’12)

Assistant director, alumni career and personal development

Department: Alumni Relations

Tiera Byrd (B.S.’12)

Riley Cain, Ed.D. (Ed.D.’24)

Assistant director, donor engagement, Strategic Engagement

(804) 827-4044

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Riley Cain, Ed.D. (Ed.D.’24)

Kristen Caldwell (B.S.’94)

Executive director, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Kristen Caldwell (B.S.’94)

Emily Campbell (M.A.’15)

Alumni engagement officer, School of the Arts

Department: Alumni Relations

Emily Campbell (M.A.’15)

Jack Carmichael (M.A.’19)

Director, annual giving, Strategic Engagement

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Jack Carmichael (M.A.’19)

Quincy Carpenter

Leadership annual giving officer, Leadership Annual Giving

Department: Primary Giving

Quincy Carpenter

Penelope Carrington

Design services manager, Communications

(804) 828-4792

Department: MCV Foundation

Penelope Carrington

Priscilla Cash

Executive director, principal giving

(804) 827-4933

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Priscilla Cash

Carolyn Center

Director, development, health and wellness, School of Medicine

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Carolyn Center

Samantha Charlet

Assistant director, Development

(804) 628-2584

Department: MCV Foundation

Samantha Charlet

Bei Chen

Senior director, CRM systems, DAR Information Systems

Department: Advancement Solutions

Bei Chen

Jason Chestnutt

Executive director, Planned Giving, MCV Campus

(804) 828-1671

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Jason Chestnutt

Robert Chisley (B.S.’14, M.S.L.’23)

Director, Inclusive Engagement and Philanthropy

Department: Primary Giving

Robert Chisley (B.S.’14, M.S.L.’23)

Matthew Chitty (B.S.’01)

CRM developer, DAR Information Systems

(804) 828-9853

Department: Advancement Solutions

Matthew Chitty (B.S.’01)

Cara Clark (B.F.A.’05)

Manager, board relations

(804) 828-2909

Department: Monroe Park Campus foundations

Cara Clark (B.F.A.’05)

Terry Clark

Senior executive assistant

(804) 828-3718

Department: Development Operations and Campaign Administration

Terry Clark

Pam Colker

Executive director, Planned Giving, Monroe Park Campus

(804) 827-2376

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Pam Colker

Adam Conklin

Staff accountant, accounts payable, Finance

(804) 433-4765

Department: MCV Foundation

Louie Correa

Senior director, development, School of Pharmacy

(804) 828-3016

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Louie Correa

Charlotte Couch

Director, development, School of the Arts

(804) 828-8050

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Charlotte Couch

Traci Craig

Senior project coordinator

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Traci Craig

Joshua Cross

Associate director, marketing strategy, DAR Marketing

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Joshua Cross

Cristina Murla

Director of development, School of Dentistry and College of Health Professions

(804) 828-2931

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units



Joey Cuevas

Senior prospect management analyst, Prospect Development

(804) 828-4566

Department: Advancement Solutions

Joey Cuevas

Sara Curry

Director, Human Resources

(804) 828-4599

Department: MCV Foundation

Sara Curry

Lori Cwalina

Senior associate vice president, development

(804) 828-0880

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Lori Cwalina

Jay E. Davenport, CFRE

Vice president, Development and Alumni Relations

(804) 828-2343

Department: Office of the Vice President

Jay E. Davenport, CFRE

Henry Davis III

Executive director

(804) 828-5142

Department: Finance and Budget


 Davis III

Jasmine Davis (M.S.’10, M.B.A.’17)

Senior director, development, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

(804) 828-4812

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Jasmine Davis (M.S.’10, M.B.A.’17)

Dedrain Dennis

Assistant director, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Dedrain Dennis

Ann Deppman

Assistant vice president, Planned Giving

(804) 828-7370

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Ann Deppman

Laura Dickinson (B.S.’05)

Senior program manager, Planned Giving

(804) 828-4240

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Laura Dickinson (B.S.’05)

Caitlin Doelp

Executive director, development, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

(609) 432-6247

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Caitlin Doelp

Rob Downs (M.S.’06)

Executive director, DAR Information Systems

(804) 828-0421

Department: Advancement Solutions

Rob Downs (M.S.’06)

Stevan Dozier

Senior director, development, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs

(804) 828-6205

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Stevan Dozier

Niles Eggleston

Senior associate vice president

(804) 828-4800

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Niles Eggleston

Hope Elliott

Senior development specialist, neurosciences, School of Medicine

(804) 628-3607

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Hope Elliott

Landon Elliott

Leadership annual giving officer, School of Arts

Department: Primary Giving

Landon Elliott

Amy English, Ph.D.

Executive director, DAR Administration

(804) 564-4049

Department: Development Operations and Campaign Administration

Amy English, Ph.D.

Maya Erhardt

Senior director, strategic development, School of the Arts

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Maya Erhardt

Chris Faris

Desktop and systems engineer, DAR Information Systems

(804) 828-2285

Department: Advancement Solutions



Katie Ferguson (M.S.’18)

Director, corporate relations, Corporate and Foundation Relations

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Katie Ferguson (M.S.’18)

Sara Fetherolf

Assistant director, Donor Engagement

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Sara Fetherolf

Kate Fichter

Accounting manager, Finance

Department: MCV Foundation

Allen Fournier

CRM developer, DAR Information Systems

(804) 828-5160

Department: Advancement Solutions

Allen Fournier

Laura Foy (Cert.’23)

Senior project coordinator

(804) 828-3173

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Laura Foy (Cert.’23)

Jud Froelich (M.S.’21)

Assistant director, creative media, DAR Communications

(804) 828-5563

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Jud Froelich (M.S.’21)

Nick Georges (M.Ed.’14)

Senior director, development, College of Engineering

(804) 828-4252

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Nick Georges (M.Ed.’14)

Graceanne Gershner

Donor engagement officer, Strategic Engagement

(804) 628-2611

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Graceanne Gershner

Sam Giacco

Senior CRM programmer, gifts and revenue, DAR Information Systems

(804) 828-7025

Department: Advancement Solutions

Sam Giacco

Joy Gilchrist (B.S.’18, B.A.’18, M.Ed.’24)

Alumni engagement officer, School of Dentistry and College of Health Professions

(804) 828-7247

Department: Alumni Relations

Joy Gilchrist (B.S.’18, B.A.’18, M.Ed.’24)

Anna Givens

Leadership annual giving officer, School of Education, School of Social Work and L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs

(804) 828-0154

Department: Primary Giving



King Goldman

Building operations and talent resource coordinator

Department: Talent Management

King Goldman

Debbie Goode

Director, development, School of Business, Brandcenter and da Vinci Center for Innovation

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Debbie Goode

Jazzy Gordon (M.B.A.’20)

CRM business systems analyst, DAR Information Systems

Department: Advancement Solutions

Jazzy Gordon (M.B.A.’20)

Kelly Gotschalk (B.F.A.’90, M.A.’97)

Senior director, development, VCU Libraries

(804) 827-1163

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Kelly Gotschalk (B.F.A.’90, M.A.’97)

Gloria Greiner-Callihan

Associate dean, development, School of Dentistry

(804) 828-8101

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Gloria Greiner-Callihan

Paula Griffin

Senior accountant, Finance

(804) 828-9802

Department: MCV Foundation

Paula Griffin

Romina Gutierrez

Senior development specialist, Transformational Philanthropy

(804) 828-0039

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Romina Gutierrez

Cara Haddon

Assistant director, Development

(804) 828-4599

Department: MCV Foundation

Cara Haddon

Clevon Hall (Cert.’23)

Data integrity coordinator, Philanthropic Services

Department: Advancement Solutions

Clevon Hall (Cert.’23)

Tonya Hall

Senior development specialist, College of Humanities and Sciences

(804) 827-0862

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Tonya Hall

Courtney Hammack

Associate director, Corporate and Foundation Relations

(804) 828-2905

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy



Lutie Hanson (B.A.’89)

Assistant director

(804) 828-1219

Department: Finance and Budget

Lutie Hanson (B.A.’89)

Charmica Epps Harris

Director, development, Board and Hospital Relations

(804) 433-7182

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Charmica Epps Harris

Tazjia Harris-Paiva

Director, development, College of Humanities and Sciences

(804) 828-3214

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Tazjia  Harris-Paiva

Jenna Hart (B.S.’06)

Senior director, constituent marketing

Department: Primary Giving

Jenna Hart (B.S.’06)

Andrew Hartley

Senior director, development, health and wellness, School of Medicine

(804) 827-0387

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations



Mimi Hashim (B.S.’24, B.S.’24)

Donor services specialist, gift agreements, Philanthropic Services

Department: Advancement Solutions

Mimi Hashim (B.S.’24, B.S.’24)

Sara Haskins

Learning and development programs manager

(804) 828-0808

Department: Talent Management

Sara Haskins

Paige Hazelgrove (B.S.’13)

Director of operations, VCU Alumni and VCU Foundation

Department: Monroe Park Campus foundations

Paige Hazelgrove (B.S.’13)

Savannah Hazelwood

Senior event coordinator, DAR Signature Events

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Savannah Hazelwood

Sarah Hendricks

Executive director, development, School of the Arts

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units


Evelyn Hernandez

Assistant director, Donor Engagement

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Evelyn Hernandez

Heidi Hernandez (B.A.’10)

Data integrity specialist, Philanthropic Services

Department: Advancement Solutions

 Hernandez (B.A.’10)

Kaylynn Hill

Assistant director, regional alumni engagement

Department: Alumni Relations

Kaylynn Hill

Anne Hoffler

Executive director, principal giving stewardship

(804) 828-3383

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Anne Hoffler

Michelle Holder

Assistant director, donor relations, Strategic Engagement

(804) 827-4935

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Michelle Holder

Brendan Hood (B.S.’15, Cert.’15, M.B.A.’19)

Associate director, marketing and partner relationships, DAR Marketing

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Brendan Hood (B.S.’15, Cert.’15, M.B.A.’19)

Breydon Horton

Assistant director, student and alumni engagement

Department: Alumni Relations

Breydon Horton

Ocelia Hudson

Associate director, corporate engagement, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

(804) 628-1663

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Ocelia Hudson

Corey Humphrey

University development officer

(804) 827-9344

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Corey Humphrey

James Irwin

Managing editor, VCU Magazine, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

James Irwin

Justin Jannuzzi (M.S.’07)

Senior director, development, Pauley Heart Center

(804) 628-8905

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Justin Jannuzzi (M.S.’07)

Russell Johnson

Assistant director, data integrity, Business Intelligence

Department: Advancement Solutions

Russell Johnson

Magnus Johnsson (M.P.A.’10, Cert.’10)

Senior associate vice president

(804) 827-1363

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Magnus Johnsson (M.P.A.’10, Cert.’10)

Aaron Jones

University development officer

(804) 828-0880

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy



Ashley Jones

Director, alumni engagement, College of Humanities and Sciences

(804) 828-8191

Department: Alumni Relations

Ashley Jones

Sydney Jones (M.Acc.’24)

Staff accountant

Department: Monroe Park Campus foundations

Izzy Kane

Talent acquisitions and programs manager

(804) 828-4708

Department: Talent Management

Izzy Kane

Ed Kardos

Executive director, development, School of Education

(804) 828-4692

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Ed Kardos

Laura Keller

Director, development, School of Medicine and School of Public Health

(804) 828-3881

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units



Emma Kerencheva

Development coordinator, VCU Libraries

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Emma Kerencheva

Kelly Kerr

Director, constituent engagement, School of the Arts

(804) 828-9182

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Kelly Kerr

Miranda Kerr (B.S.W.’19)

Development coordinator, neurosciences, School of Medicine

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Miranda Kerr (B.S.W.’19)

Jared Kline (M.S.C.M.’24)

Assistant director, DAR Signature Events

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Jared Kline (M.S.C.M.’24)

Laura Kottkamp, Ed.D. (Ed.D.’19)

Executive director, MPC Foundation Administration

(804) 828-1734

Department: Monroe Park Campus foundations

Laura Kottkamp, Ed.D. (Ed.D.’19)

Amanda Kowaleski

Assistant director, development communications, Strategic Engagement

(804) 828-9755

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Amanda Kowaleski

David Kraft (M.S.L.’20)

Leadership annual giving officer, School of Business, Brandcenter and da Vinci Center for Innovation, Leadership Annual Giving

Department: Primary Giving


 Kraft (M.S.L.’20)

Lauren Leavy (Cert.’19)

Director, DAR Signature Events

(804) 628-2249

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Lauren Leavy (Cert.’19)

Carolyn Lee (B.S.’19)

Director, human resources

(804) 828-0767

Department: Talent Management

Carolyn Lee (B.S.’19)

Ashley Lefebvre

Business data analyst, DAR Information Systems

(804) 828-0421

Department: Advancement Solutions

Ashley Lefebvre

Joshua Leidy

Director, Inclusive Engagement and Philanthropy

(804) 828-8191

Department: Primary Giving

Joshua Leidy

Carissa Liverpool

Associate director, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Carissa Liverpool

Misa Lobato

Director, prospect development, medical philanthropy, Prospect Development

Department: Advancement Solutions

Misa Lobato

Pamela Lowe

Senior director, development, School of Nursing

(804) 828-3881

Department: College, Schools and Units

Pamela Lowe

Erin Lucero

Senior director, development communications, Strategic Engagement

(804) 827-4938

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Erin Lucero

Jaleel Macasaet

Business officer

Department: Monroe Park Campus foundations

Margo Maier (B.S.’15)

Senior project coordinator

(804) 828-0917

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Margo Maier (B.S.’15)

Sofia Malin (B.A.’20)

Leadership annual giving officer, College of Health Professions and School of Dentistry, Leadership Annual Giving

Department: Primary Giving

Sofia Malin (B.A.’20)

Thomas Maness

Associate vice president, development, Transformational Philanthropy

(804) 828-4179

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Thomas Maness

Samantha Marrs

Senior associate vice president, campaign administration

(804) 828-1229

Department: Development Operations and Campaign Administration

Samantha Marrs

Tyler Matthews

Staff accountant, accounts receivable, Finance

(804) 828-2390

Department: MCV Foundation

Tyler Matthews

Doug Mauney

Executive director, development, College of Engineering

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Doug Mauney

Stephanie McCoy

Scholarship coordinator, School of Medicine

(804) 827-4939

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Stephanie McCoy

Sharron McDaniel (B.S.W.’17)

Mentoring coordinator

Department: Alumni Relations

Sharron McDaniel (B.S.W.’17)

Mia Mesfin (B.S.’17)

Development coordinator, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Mia Mesfin (B.S.’17)

Lynn Meyer

Senior director, stewardship and donor relations, Strategic Engagement

(804) 827-6297

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Lynn Meyer

Carrie Miller

Senior director, principal giving

(804) 828-0423

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Carrie Miller

Melanie Irvin (B.S.’96)

Assistant vice president

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement


 Irvin (B.S.’96)

Stephanie Monn (M.B.A.’19)

Director, engagement programs

(804) 827-8247

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Stephanie Monn (M.B.A.’19)

Alex Moore (M.S.’09, M.S.’09)

Executive director, development, School of Business, Brandcenter and da Vinci Center for Innovation

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

 Moore (M.S.’09, M.S.’09)

Liza Moore (B.A.’19)

Donor engagement officer, Strategic Engagement

(804) 827-2324

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Liza Moore (B.A.’19)

Mitchell Moore (B.S.’07, M.S.’08)

Senior director, creative content, DAR Communications

(804) 827-3617

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Mitchell Moore (B.S.’07, M.S.’08)

James Murphy (B.F.A.’14)

Senior marketing specialist, DAR Marketing

(804) 828-3975

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

James Murphy (B.F.A.’14)

Anthony Muscatello (M.B.A.’23)

Director, Inclusive Engagement and Philanthropy

Department: Primary Giving

Anthony Muscatello (M.B.A.’23)

Carrie Naumann (M.P.A.’08, Cert.’08)

Director, Prospect Development, Colleges, Schools and Units

(804) 828-2850

Department: Advancement Solutions


 Naumann (M.P.A.’08, Cert.’08)

Kirk Nawrotzky

Creative media coordinator, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Kirk Nawrotzky

Sarah Neely (B.S.’14, M.Ed.’22, Cert.’22)

Director, development, Pauley Heart Center

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Sarah Neely (B.S.’14, M.Ed.’22, Cert.’22)

Frannie Noble

Associate director, Corporate and Foundation Relations

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy

Frannie Noble

Caitlyn Noto

Director, medical philanthropy events, Strategic Engagement

(804) 828-1187

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Caitlyn Noto

Bernadette O’Shea

Senior director, development, neurosciences, School of Medicine

(804) 828-3652

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Bernadette O’Shea

Gina Padrone (B.S.’07, M.Acc.’09)

Associate director, treasury and investment accounting, Finance

Department: MCV Foundation

Gina Padrone (B.S.’07, M.Acc.’09)

Jenn Papenfuse (M.P.A.’06, Cert.’06)

Executive director, stewardship programs, Donor Engagement

(804) 828-0745

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Jenn Papenfuse (M.P.A.’06, Cert.’06)

Nate Parker (B.S.’10)

Director, CRM development, DAR Information Systems

(804) 827-4587

Department: Advancement Solutions

Nate Parker (B.S.’10)

Gabby Payton

Leadership annual giving officer, Leadership Annual Giving

(804) 827-3616

Department: Primary Giving


Eric Peters (B.S.’08, M.P.A.’15)

Vice president, Communications

(804) 828-2358

Department: MCV Foundation

Eric Peters (B.S.’08, M.P.A.’15)

Jessie Pilot (M.S.’19)

Associate director, strategic initiatives

(804) 827-2664

Department: Primary Giving

 Pilot (M.S.’19)

Brelyn Powell (M.S.’24)

Associate director, DAR Communications

(804) 467-2316

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Brelyn Powell (M.S.’24)

Symanetta Powell

Transaction analyst, Philanthropic Services

(804) 828-2816

Department: Advancement Solutions

Symanetta Powell

Holly Prestidge (B.S.’00)

Communications manager, Communications

(804) 828-5518

Department: MCV Foundation

Holly Prestidge (B.S.’00)

T. Greg Prince, Ed.D., CFRE

Senior director, development, College of Health Professions

(804) 828-7247

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

T. Greg Prince, Ed.D., CFRE

Chris Progler

Development coordinator, Strategic Engagement

(804) 828-6731

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Chris Progler

Emily Pumphrey

Assistant director, board relations, Strategic Engagement

(804) 827-2232

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Emily Pumphrey

Phaedra Putnam

Accounting administrative assistant, Finance

(804) 439-9684

Department: MCV Foundation

Zaynah Qutubuddin (B.A.’08)

Digital engagement manager, Communications

(804) 828-9733

Department: MCV Foundation

Zaynah Qutubuddin (B.A.’08)

Claire Radcliffe

Prospect research analyst, Prospect Development

Department: Advancement Solutions

Claire Radcliffe

Sarah Ramkey (B.S.’23)

Director, alumni and student engagement

(804) 827-0986

Department: Alumni Relations

Sarah Ramkey (B.S.’23)

Mary Riddick

Senior director, development, College of Humanities and Sciences

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Mary Riddick

Aimee Riesenberg

Director, donor services, Philanthropic Services

Department: Advancement Solutions

Aimee Riesenberg

Polly Roberts

Senior associate director, development communications, Strategic Engagement

(804) 828-5290

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Polly Roberts

Adrienne Robertson (Cert.’21)

Senior prospect research analyst, Prospect Development

(804) 828-2862

Department: Advancement Solutions

 Robertson (Cert.’21)

Kendra Light

Assistant director, regional programs and volunteer engagement

(804) 827-0311

Department: Alumni Relations

Kendra Light

Natalie Roby (M.P.A.’19)

Assistant director, annual giving, Strategic Engagement

(804) 828-9832

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Natalie Roby (M.P.A.’19)

Katherine Rockwell

Events manager, Development

Department: MCV Foundation

Katherine Rockwell

James Romanik (M.B.A.’22)

Director, development, School of Social Work

(804) 828-1030

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

James Romanik (M.B.A.’22)

Norbrian Ronase

Associate director, development, Massey Comprehensive Cancer Center

(804) 828-2772

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Norbrian Ronase

Hayley Roulston

Assistant director, development communications, Strategic Engagement

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Hayley Roulston

Matt Rowe

Director, development, College of Humanities and Science

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Matt Rowe

Laura Ruxton

Director, development, School of Business, Brandcenter and da Vinci Center for Innovation

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Laura Ruxton

Daniel Sangjib Min

Multimedia production manager, Communications

(804) 828-4792

Department: MCV Foundation

Daniel Sangjib Min

Beth Schecter

Assistant director, development administration

Department: Development Operations and Campaign Administration



Julie Sears

Director, financial management and controller, Finance

(804) 828-4792

Department: MCV Foundation

Julie Sears

Jo Anna Sellers

Fiscal assistant

(804) 828-0880

Department: Finance and Budget

Jo Anna Sellers

Daniel Serafin (M.B.A.’23)

Assistant director, constituent marketing, DAR Marketing

(804) 828-0880

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Daniel Serafin (M.B.A.’23)

Timothy Shea

Associate director, development communications, Strategic Engagement

(804) 828-3291

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Timothy Shea

Zshakyla Shulterbrandt (B.S.’20)

Social media coordinator, DAR Communications

(804) 828-3977

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Zshakyla Shulterbrandt (B.S.’20)

David Silver (Cert.’24)

Vice president, finance and administration, and chief financial officer, Finance

(804) 828-2393

Department: MCV Foundation

David Silver (Cert.’24)

Makayla Simmons (B.S.’24)

Gift intake coordinator, Philanthropic Services

Department: Advancement Solutions

Allison Singer (B.A.’10)

Associate director, DAR Signature Events

(804) 828-0022

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Allison Singer (B.A.’10)

Latisha Smart

Senior director, alumni career and personal development

(804) 828-3359

Department: Alumni Relations

Latisha Smart

Brenda Smith

Data integrity specialist, Philanthropic Services

(804) 814-7188

Department: Advancement Solutions

Brenda Smith

Jodi Smith

Director, development, internal medicine, School of Medicine

(804) 628-2248

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Jodi Smith

Mandy Smith

Executive director, Philanthropic Services

(804) 828-0348

Department: Advancement Solutions

Mandy Smith

Jessica Sorensen

Director, development, School of Nursing and School of Pharmacy

(804) 828-4246

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Jessica Sorensen

Natalie Spring

Assistant vice president, Advancement Solutions

Department: Advancement Solutions



Kyle Springer (B.F.A.’15)

Constituent marketing digital specialist, DAR Marketing

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Kyle Springer (B.F.A.’15)

Leetah Stanley

Development coordinator, School of Education, L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs and School of Social Work

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Leetah Stanley

Abbey Stanzione

Alumni engagement officer, School of Business and College of Engineering

Department: Alumni Relations

Abbey Stanzione

Emily Starks (M.B.A.’23)

Director, development, internal medicine, School of Medicine

(804) 628-6206

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Emily Starks (M.B.A.’23)

Katharine Stein (B.F.A.’15)

Scholarship and Stewardship Manager

(804) 827-2524

Department: School of Nursing

Katharine Stein (B.F.A.’15)

Hannah Stewart (M.P.A.’23)

Senior development specialist, College of Engineering and School of Business

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Hannah Stewart (M.P.A.’23)

Suzannah Stora

Assistant director, Corporate and Foundation Relations

(804) 828-0880

Department: Presidential and University Philanthropy



Matthew Stoss

Senior editor, VCU Magazine, DAR Communications

(804) 828-0880

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Matthew Stoss

Ravynn Sykes

Assistant director, constituent marketing, DAR Marketing

(804) 828-0880

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Ravynn Sykes

Rachael Taylor

Prospect management consultant, Prospect Development

(804) 828-2043

Department: Advancement Solutions

Rachael Taylor

Brian Thomas

Executive vice president and chief development officer, Development

(804) 828-0067

Department: MCV Foundation

Brian Thomas

Eric Thomas

Senior graphic designer, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Eric Thomas

Grayson Thomas

Staff accountant, Finance

Department: MCV Foundation

Gary Thompson

Data architect, Business Intelligence

(919) 444-4254

Department: Advancement Solutions



Robinette Tiller, CFRE

Director, donor relations, Strategic Engagement

(804) 828-0034

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Robinette Tiller, CFRE

Kit Tindall

Communications specialist, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Kit Tindall

Dannita Trice (B.S.’11)

Alumni engagement officer, School of Education, School of Social Work and L. Douglas Wilder School of Government and Public Affairs

Department: Alumni Relations

Dannita Trice (B.S.’11)

Tyler Trumbo

Senior multimedia production manager, Communications

Department: MCV Foundation

Tyler Trumbo

Jeremy Utz (Cert.’07)

Executive director, Business Intelligence

(804) 828-0880

Department: Advancement Solutions


 Utz (Cert.’07)

Olivia Van Nuys

Event and stewardship coordinator, Strategic Engagement

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Olivia Van Nuys

Viviana Vargas

Development coordinator, College of Health Professions and School of Dentistry

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Viviana Vargas

Pam Vaughan

Development office manager, Strategic Engagement

(804) 827-4934

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Pam Vaughan

Xan Vessels

Senior development coordinator, School of the Arts

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Xan Vessels

Cat Vincent

Gifts administration manager, Finance

(804) 827-1700

Department: MCV Foundation

Cat Vincent

Anneli Voelker

Senior prospect development analyst, Prospect Development

(804) 828-8987

Department: Advancement Solutions

Anneli Voelker

Angela Waite (M.Acc.’07)

Executive director, finance and administration

Department: Monroe Park Campus foundations

James Wasilewski, CFRE

Executive director, Leadership Annual Giving

(804) 827-3896

Department: Primary Giving

James Wasilewski, CFRE

Steffi West

Director, development, School of the Arts

(804) 828-8844

Department: Colleges, Schools and Units

Steffi West

Angelica Williams (B.A.’22)

Project coordinator

(804) 628-8909

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Angelica Williams (B.A.’22)

Khaleliah Williams

Assistant director, gift accounting, Philanthropic Services

(804) 828-9430

Department: Advancement Solutions


Travis Wolfrey (B.S.’96)

Creative project manager, DAR Communications

Department: Strategic Marketing and Engagement

Travis Wolfrey (B.S.’96)

Wren Wyatt (Cert.’14, M.P.A.’15)

Solutions architect, Business Intelligence

(804) 828-5008

Department: Advancement Solutions

Wren Wyatt (Cert.’14, M.P.A.’15)

Amber Yancey (B.S.’07)

Associate director, donor relations, Development

(804) 828-4576

Department: MCV Foundation

Amber Yancey (B.S.’07)

Laura Yawman

Director, stewardship, Strategic Engagement

(804) 628-6226

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Laura Yawman

Matt Yopp

Director, desktop and systems support, DAR Information Systems

(804) 828-5315

Department: Advancement Solutions

Matt Yopp

Meghan Zapiec (M.B.A.’23)

Associate director, signature events and community engagement, Strategic Engagement

(804) 628-8416

Department: Medical Philanthropy and Alumni Relations

Meghan Zapiec (M.B.A.’23)